We have set up our sourcebooks and writing portfolios and students are loving writing while listening to classical music. To my surprise, no one yet has said they can't think of anything to write about. I begin our writing block with a writing mini lesson and right now we're working on learning how to write a story in the style of Kevin Henkes . I'll share them soon!
I have created the board with a special spot reserved for each student. We will change out their writing to showcase their PUBLISHED work in a few weeks. For now I put up their...

Our Names Are Special. .
They were interesting to read and gave me insight into their personalities, interests and hobbies.
Cool Right now on 2011 October my classmates on 3-1 their work is on the internet!IM in 3-1 and Im Ethan!
William Mah said...
I think this is so cool on 2011 October my classmates worked very hard, this is very awesome!Mrs. Vecchio in 3-1 my teacher is the best, and I'm William!
William's sister said
This website inspires me to study hard and figure out my 5th grade goals
Mrs. vecchio rocks. This account is the best!!! I am William's sister.
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