There was a Tootsie PoP ghost hunt in 3-1 on Friday!
Actually, it was an incredibly fun -over-the-top- preposition activity.
First I gave out 3 lollipops to each of the students.
Then 3 paper-towels.
We tied the tissue on with a piece of yarn.
After that the students drew a little face on each with black marker.
Next I let them hide the 3 ghosts in the classroom.
Then they wrote where they hid the ghost on their worksheet using prepositions!
(I found the preposition worksheets from a site called lesson plan sos )
(I found the preposition worksheets from a site called lesson plan sos )
Finally I let them find other ghosts & write about where they were hiding
ALL while using prepositions!
Seriously, this was a fantastic lesson! The students were SO happy!

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