Thursday, June 26, 2014

Meet my new guest BLOGGERS!

Hi! We are Caoimhe, Cynthia, and Karolina, and Karen, some of Ms. Vecchio's old students...We are becoming bloggers this summer and are SO excited! Each week look out for some cool posts.
These are some fun & funny ideas to do by the end of the summer! 

         Ideas for a Summer Bucket List (fun stuff written by: 6th Graders):
·     * Go to the beach, but before you do, make sure you know how to swim.
·     * Make a campfire and make s’mores, but don’t burn yourself in any way.
·      *Try to read 100 books, but don’t give yourself a headache from reading too long.
·      *Go a day without any technology (computers, laptops, phones, I-Pods, I-Pads, I-Phones and so on)
·      *Take 20 or more photos of the same thing, but TRY not to die of complete boredom.
·      *Make a sand mansion, and have someone destroy it while you’re inside it.
·      *Bury a friend in a heavy and thick layer of sand, then abandon them without any warning so they could get out themselves.
·      *Draw a mustache on your sibling’s face while they’re sleeping, take a picture of them and deny everything to do with it (including that you didn’t do it). But don’t let them catch you!
·      *Make slushies with your friends and/or family. Then drink them as fast as you can, but don’t give yourself brain freeze.
·      *Put on a magic show for your friends and/or family, but don’t laugh.
·      *Pretend to have a water balloon fight with your friends, but super soak your parents instead.
·      *Make a summer bucket list but there’s no copy-cats allowed.